FIRST® LEGO® League Virtual Open International Greece

An Event of Importance

The youth of the world has brought the evolution of sports and play in the year 2021 in the founding country of the Olympic Games, Greece. Since ancient times, until today Greeks have loved sport. From the Homeric Age, the period of Classical Greece, Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic period, the Roman Empire, and the Byzantine era, most cities had public gymnasiums where people gathered to train and relax. The Greeks believed that a healthy body was very important for the mind and soul. Greece was home of the ancient Olympic Games, first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, and hosted the modern Olympic Games twice, the inaugural 1896 Summer Olympics and the 2004 Summer Olympics. Classical Greek Culture, Science, Fine Art, and Democracy were born here and the Ancient Greek Civilization, which is considered the cradle of Western civilization, thrived. In 2021, Eduact, the FIRST® LEGO® League Operational Partner in Greece, hosted, under hybrid conditions, a FIRST LEGO League Virtual Open with 200 teams from all over the world, to celebrate STEM, Robotics and combine the ancient civilization with technology and innovation - a celebration that coincided with the 200 years of Greek Independence. This year’s Championship celebrated, once more, the very core of community through sporting activities and ideals, at distance preparation and participation as well as international, joint effort. The season’s theme tied in with the hosting country’s history and the current global circumstances to foster Core Values to the greatest extent during this challenging period.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Event Procedures

Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony of the FIRST® LEGO® League Virtual Open International Greece 2021 reignited the flame of the FLL community that was truly challenged due to circumstances. It involved artistic performances, funny skits, honorable guests and inspiring words that reassured and empowered participants and supporters. Individuals from all over the world were virtually brought together to celebrate, acknowledge and advance STEAM while innovating under unprecedented circumstances. This Ceremony set the tone for a truly revolutionary event that interweaved the international context, the season's theme and the event with the celebrations of the bicentennial greek independence and the country's history and culture.

Event Procedures


Teams' schedule

On Friday, teams had their first competitive procedure. Each team had to present two Robot Game sessions to the referees' team. Via a zoom link, they had one hour to confirm their presence, meet thereferees, check the robot game table and proceed to present their performance. Additionally, during this day, teams did not only have their robot game performance but also enjoyed some extra fun activities, like Zorba the Greek Dance and the Team's Communication Event.

Zorba the Greek Dance

This virtual event was the best way to de-stress from the competition’s tension! 30 minutes were devoted to dancing it out! The best instructors of Greece were provided, to teach participants from all over the globe the most famous Greek dance moves!
Team's Challenge The right time and place to meet every single team and participant of the championship. Everyone got to know each other, share information and practices from their country, culture, and background while having fun in a zoom meeting that connected every part of the world!

The Live Show #1

Each day of the Open International was a celebration. Teams met all together again at the Live Show, had some small talk with the Presenters and rewatched some fun moments from the day, special photos from their community and of course performed the FLL dance.


Teams' schedule

On Saturday, teams had their first competitive procedure, a judging session. Each team had to present the innovation project, the robot design and the core values section to the judges. Via a zoom link, teams meet our technical volunteers for half an hour to relax, have fun and check final technical details. Three happy and well-experienced judges lead the sessions. The last competitive procedure for the team was the 3rd performance of the Robot Game. 

Escape Olympia

A video tour of NOESIS’ exhibitions cast light on some immortal personalities of science and technology.

My Big Fit Greek Challenge


How well do you think you know Greece and famous Greek athletes and sports? This quiz was not an ordinary one! Participants chose the correct answer by simply completing the right physical exercise! Completing the quiz and get fit, all at the same time, was a blast!

Teams Event -Saturday Night

Another live show, a small talk with the Presenters, judges and referees, some fun moments from the day, special photos from their community, some very special messages and of course the FLL dance!


Closing Ceremony & Awards

A final moment of celebration, where all the teams came together live, via zoom link. Presenters, guests and teams dancing and singing, communicating with each other and enjoying their achievements. Tears of happiness and screams of excitement flooded the ceremony during the awarding and more than 15.000 people celebrated the FIRST® LEGO® League Virtual Open International Greece experience. Promises of a physical Open International in Thessaloniki filled everyone with inspiration and anticipation

An International Experience

Full Report

Click in the button below to see the full report of the FIRST® LEGO® League Virtual Open International Greece.