The Train Your Brain program is an initiative founded by Eduact, supported by the US Embassy that draws inspiration from a variety of sources such as the International Visitor Leadership Program (US Department of State) among others.

The Train your Brain program offers participants a toolbox of cognitive and physical practices that can be applied both directly to aspects of daily life and to any future vocation choice (arts, sciences, sports, etc.).

Train Your Brain workshops will take place at 5 tech labs located in Xanthi, Veria, Athens, Corfu and Sparta. They are scheduled on separate dates for each location, with 16 different participants for each stand-alone three(3) hour session.

Collectively providing the Train Your Brain experience to 480 participants all across Greece, creating a unique opportunity to take part in a unique educational event. The new members of the Train Your Brain community, after their experience in the workshop environment, along with their newly acquired capabilities are equipped with optimized physical patterns and decision-making skills.

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Building teams between individuals and fostering the unique environment in which everyone can practice together in exercises, simulations and experiential games. Developing their communication skills on a both personal and a group level. Providing not only new thoughts and ideas but also novel ways of thinking we can adopt.

Our goal is to instill the values of confidence and cooperation in the context of rapid change and innovation by cultivating a personalized set of skills, through character building scenarios and group interactions. Whilst initiative, conflict management, effective emotion regulation and self-awareness lying at the core of the program's tenets.

All of this is accomplished by trainers implementing a variety of techniques, with extensive experience from past Train Your Brain applications. Facilitating each workshop, supporting these newly formed teams. While at the same time, giving them this rare formative experience, which equips them with a wide range of advantages over any future challenges.




One-of-a-kind Teambuilding & ice breaking sequences.

Physical transitions for thought experiments.

Optimal problem solving with highly simulated stakes/consequences.

Group based tasks with actual goals and solutions to strive for.

Instant team feedback and total integration of learned practices.

You can see more snapshots from Train your Brain programm here:



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