The key objective of this two year KA2 project is to develop a complete and concrete toolkit for the teachers to help their students acquire new skills while enhancing their social skills in a day and age of a remote reality that sometimes weakens social interactions. To meet its goals the project has specific deliverables during the phases of implementation. Good practices already tested along with new activities designed to be held remotely are gathered at a transnational training guide. The guide also includes training content for the teachers – methodologies and examples on how to teach coding and all the content including papers, videos etc. – that will be uploaded in an online platform. The platform is designed by a mixed team consisting of teachers and IT – staff so as to be easily used by educators.
A specific coding curriculum including sessions with detailed activities that can be implemented remotely is also provided for the teachers. There is a specific section for the developed activities aiming at the social skills’ cultivation and also a forum to give an interactive aspect and allow users to share good practices and create networks. An app is also being designed providing students the opportunity to train independently even without internet access in remote areas. The platform and all the educational content – including the training material for the teachers, the coding curriculum and the activities targeting students’ social skills – is tested by local VET Organizations or Schools in every participating country to measure the results of the program’s attention.
Some of the targeted skills are:
• Identifying the criteria needed for decisions
• Apply creative problem solving
• Evaluate and select work paths
• Think strategically when under pressure
• Lead by example and contribute to team processes
• Develop your team into a high-performing team
• Apply agile, flexible, and adaptable thinking skills
• Coach others to perform at their best in real time
• Become a high-functioning team member
• Use effective communication skills for critical conversations
• Manage change processes
• Understand and measure risks
• Work and excel under pressure
• Work with project or product owners to manage scope creep
• Present finished products
The target audience for the project is : Public and Private Education Organizations and Institutions, Teachers, Trainers, Students 13+ , VET providers, Civil Society Organizations, Community Associations, Innovation Hubs, etc.
Erasmus+ project Form ID: 2020-1-FI01-KA226-SCH-092535