This KA1 stream was oriented towards the central goal of the Erasmus + framework for Adult actions, which is the acquisition of Life Skills. It is a mobility of 10 adults, selected from disadvantaged groups (people with extremely low/zero income, people with disabilities, members of single-parent families, Roma, refugees, etc.). The adults were trained by Moveu in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

The trainees were accompanied by 2 executives of the organization, a teacher and an administrator, who in collaboration with the host body took care of the success of the project, supported language issues, and also details of practical arrangements.

The training lasted 32 hours, with 8 days of training/Workshops-study visits, cultural activities, and 2 days of travel.

Benefits that arise for the participants:

- Self-sufficiency and self-esteem from the successful treatment of everyday issues.

- Autonomy in the mode of action and awareness of self-effectiveness.

- Confidence in participation for the solution of wider collective problems, and therefore easier integration into groups, collectives and, ultimately in society.

- Strengthening the position of the individual in the requirements of the modern labor market which, while expanding geographically, shrinks in terms of available positions due to required qualifications.

With the acquisition of DZ, it becomes easier to access the other standard training delivery systems in order to acquire professional skills at a later stage.

- Fight against technophobia and the use of new technologies.

- Familiarity with the history and culture of Spain.

- Strengthening the feeling of the European Citizen.

Erasmus+ Project ID : 2021-1-EL01-KA122-ADU-000030583