The program is implemented with the support of Eduact and the US Embassy.

Program coordinators: Gizari Maria, Tasilopoulou Evelyn

Photos of 1st workshop

In the first workshop of the program children learned about friction through STEM activities and using LEGO educational WeDo 2.

Photos of 2nd workshop

In the second workshop, the children had their first contact with robotics, learning about speed. They built the speed car using the WeDo 2 kit and got to know the basic features and components of the robot, as well as how to program it.

Photos of 3rd workshop

Through the activity of S.T.E.M, the children in the 3rd lab learned how a hot air balloon is made and how it works, and then they built one using simple materials and a lot of imagination.

Photos of 4th workshop

In the 4th workshop, the little ones learned about the earthquake and built a mechanism that simulates it. The greater ones built and programmed the Riley Rover using the EV3

Photos of 5th workshop

In the 5th workshop STEM activities were conducted. The children created their own mechanical hand and watched two experiments.

Photos of 6th workshop

In the 6th workshop, the children learned about machines inspired by animals and nature and made a robotic monkey using WeDo 2.

Photos of 7th workshop

In the 7th workshop the little ones of Glafki learned how we can use a helicopter for rescue and supply during extreme weather, and built one using EV3.

Photos of 8th workshop

Children through S.T.E.M activity bring the starry sky to the laboratory

Photos of 9th workshop

Learning music with the help of EV3

Photos of 10th workshop

By combining math and music, children learn fractions and make music boxes

Photos of 11th workshop

Kids turn the multiplication table into a song and conduct speed races with their voice intensity using WeDo equipment

Photos of 12th workshop

Kids build sumo robots that fight each other using WeDo 2.0

Photos from the closing ceremony

Smiles of success at the closing ceremony

News and posts

Glafx Closing Event

After three creative months, “Γλαfx” was completed on Saturday April 6th. Children, parents and eduACT crew gathered for the last time, in order to celebrate and reward the overall effort of children. In these three months, fifty children had the opportunity to be taught robotics, natural sciences and mathematics combined

12th Glafki Workshop

On Saturday, March 30, 2019, the twelfth and final workshop of the “Γλαfx” took place. In this workshop, the children, using the educational equipment of LEGO, WeDo 2.0, built their own sumo fighter robot. After learning the history of the sport and the special characteristics of the athletes, they were

11th Glafki Workshop

The eleventh workshop of the “Γλαfx” was held on Saturday, March 23, 2019. In the first part of the workshop, the children were asked to convert the multiplication tables from 1 to 9 in songs. Using their imagination and while collaborating in groups, they combined the multiplications with lyrics, trying

10th Glafki workshop

On Saturday 2 March 2019, took place the tenth workshop of the “Γλαfx”. This workshop combines the exciting world of mathematics with the enchanting world of music. The children were taught about the lengths of musical notes and then combined them with the fractions. They saw how they could combine

9th Glafki Workshop

On Saturday 2 March 2019, the ninth workshop of the “Γλαfx” took place. In thisworkshop the children discovered the world of music, with robotics as their tool.They built a robot using a color sensor. Then they programmed it to reproducedifferent notes depending on the color identified by the sensor. Learning

8th Glafki Workshop

On Saturday, February 23, 2019, took place the eighth workshop of “Γλαfx”. The children carried the starry sky to the lab. Through S.T.E.M. activity, using Styrofoam glasses, cardboard and the Star Walk 2 application, they built a constellation projector. Having first learned about space and constellations, through the application, each

Glafki goes Into Orbit

On Sunday, February 24, 2019, the FIRST LEGO League qualifier was held in Xanthi. The “Γλαfx” children had the opportunity to attend the competition and familiarize themselves with its procedures. They were presented at the opening ceremony and participated with the teams at the opening party. Through a game, they

7th Glafki Workshop

On Saturday, February 16, 2019, took place the seventh workshop of “Γλαfx”. In this workshop, the children dealt with robotics. The first group built and programmed a helicopter learning how it can help, due to its construction, in cases of extreme and dangerous weather phenomena that can threaten human life

Training at Glafki

On the afternoon of Saturday 16/02/2019 in Glafki, within the framework of the “Γλαfx”, there was a training session on educational robotics, for adults in the area. In order to familiarize the local community with educational robotics, 17 people, educators, university students and parents were trained by eduACT trainers. Participants

6th Glafki Workshop

The sixth workshop of “Γλαfx” took place on Saturday 2 January 2019. It was the third robotics workshop, in which the children were asked to build and program a robotic monkey. The monkey, using its hands, was hanging and crossed a string, near the ceiling of the room and excited